Anti-Rodent Duct is designed by the company Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. All products of Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd are ISO-9001:2001 certified and Irrigation, Plastic Piping & Plastic Sheet division is ISO-14001:2004 certified. The Anti-Rodent Duct or Jain Anti-Rodent Ducts are generally installed by direct burial method. At many places rodents are present even at depth of more than one meter below ground level. Unlike human beings the front teeth of rodents grow throughout their life and hence to trim it they chew soft materials like PE & PVC pipes to keep their teeth within size. This results in damages to the pipes and the cable in it. The Anti-Rodent Ducts provides offers solutions by incorporating a bitterent in the pipe to dissuade rodents from chewing it. Anti rodent ducts are tested at institute for Toxicological Studies, Pune for its anti rodent properties. The Anti-Rodent Ducts are available in various sizes starting from 32 mm onwards.