Karsandas Mavji manufactures Kemazol Fiber Reactive Dyes. Karsandas Mavji manufactures Direct Dyestuffs, Reactive Dyestuffs [High Exhaust, Bi-functional Hot, Cold and Vinyl Sulphone based], Acid Dyes, Basic Dyes, Chrome Dyes, Leather Dyes, and Aniline Hydrochloride. The Kemazol Fiber Reactive Dyes are generally employed by semi continuous methods i.E. Pad-batch process, although Black B, Turq. Blue G, can be economically used even under long liquor dyeing as for knitwear. These dyes are suitable for various textile uses i.E. Dyeing and printing textiles.
In case of Kemazol Fiber Reactive Dyes, the dyeing is generally carried out with 15 gms/litre Trisodium phosphate as alkali. The dyeing is started in cold with 40-50 gm/l glauber`s salt, at 40 degree C. The temperature is raised to 60-80 degree C and alkali is added. Dyeing further continued for 1 hour, and goods rinsed and soaped.