Product Profile of Picture Archiving And Communication System
TSG Integrations supplies Picture Archiving and Communication System. TSG Integrations is an ISO 13485 accredited company. The Picture Archiving and Communication System is used for computerized on-line receiving, storing, archiving and visualizing of medical images in digital form in a department of a hospital.
Key Features of Picture Archiving And Communication System
- Captures and stores digitized images. Is can take inputs in various forms including DICOM compliant storage media and non DICOM images and converts images to DICOM format for transfer to database
- Provides flexibility of access from various terminals and hence increases ease of access
- Is a feature rich system providing tools to select the position and size of this window for visualizing image data.
- Increases Convenience as archiving and retrieval modes available bringing in convenience of usage for clinicians
- Provides high flexibility of integration with various devices and systems as it supports various interface formats
- Increases utility of images and provides higher manageability of images as they are converted to the proprietary format for radiation treatment planning, and stored with RTP data