Precious fab-cast pvt ltd is a company that produces wide range of pulverizers, micro pulverizers, jaw crushers, ball mill, hammer mill, crushers, mixers, and material conveying equipments, pharmaceuticals, chemical, mineral, refractory, quarry plant, ceramic plant, agro & hurb based plant, coconut shell powder plant, cattle feed plant, spice plant. This company has been considered as one of the leading manufacturer and designer of plants. The company is developing products in the field of grinding, crushing and pulverizing - minerals, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, refractories, agro based and many other products.
The company manufactures ball mills of two types. Such as,
Ball mill [batch type]: the precious fab-cast pvt ltd manufactures a good variety of batch type ball mills. The batch type ball mills are produced to crush even the hardest material like, quartz, topaz , ceramics, sillica etc. There are different types & material of liners & grinding media available such as hyper steel, stainless steel, mn. Steel, ceramic etc.
Continuous ball mill: continuous ball mills are manufactured to grind the material continuously. The aim of the product is to flow from one end and to gather the dispatch with the help of a fan in a cyclone from other end. The classifier of the machine can be of mechanical type or for a very accurate & fine separation variable speed motor aimed classifier is also accessible.