Yorco Sales Pvt. Ltd manufactures Vertical Laminar Air Flow Cabinets with 100% Exhaust System. Yorco Sales Pvt. Ltd also offers products such as aerosol disinfector, blood bank refrigerator, etc. Vertical Laminar Air Flow Cabinets with 100% Exhaust System are suitable for exhaust duct up to 6 ft., to throw the contaminated air from the work area into the atmosphere outside the room. A plenum is provided under the S.S. Perforated working table, with exhaust system. The exhaust system works in tandem with the main air flow system. This Vertical Laminar Air Flow Cabinets with 100% Exhaust System is useful for such applications where environment and personnel protection is required. HEPA filter and virus burn out can also be provided at the exhaust. The exhaust ducting and the exhaust system for exhaust duct above 6 ft. Are also available in the Vertical Laminar Air Flow Cabinets with 100% Exhaust System.