International biological laboratories are manufacturers and suppliers of scientific and laboratory instruments.
Composite walls apparatus demonstrates the thermal conductivity at various heat inputs and different configurations. The apparatus consists of a heater sandwiched between two identical composite slabs. Water-cooled heat sinks, to steady state heat transfer condition achieved earlier. Provides ms, brass and bakelite plates and necessary meters on control panel.
Heat transfer through lagged pipe explains the thermal conductivity and characteristics of lagging material, using three concentric pipes and a heater and two types of lagging materials are filled up. Thermocouples and dimmer state measures various temperatures and heat inputs.
Heat pipe demonstrator demonstrates super conductivity of heat pipe as compared to copper pipe as good conductor of heat and to stainless steel pipe as same material of construction. The unit provides heat pipe, copper pipe and stainless steel pipe. All the pipes are heated at one end & water tank at other end.
Critical radius of insulating material is used to find out critical radius of insulation, ratio of thermal conductivity and outside heat transfer co-efficient. The unit consists of four g. I. Pipes provided with plaster of paris insulation on out side surface and heater inside, having separate input control. Input to heaters is measured by common voltmeter and ammeter.