For economic and rapid separation of solids and liquids, sando industries manufactures offers. Pressure leaf filters for economic and rapid separation of solids and liquids. In vertical and horizontal designs. These pressure leaf filters feature: large filtration area per unit volume; enclosed system eliminating possible hazard when toxic or explosive media, an enclosed system eliminates possible hazards.Which, are used as-ideal for sterile applications; effective washing of cake with minimum consumption of washing liquid or solvent; uniform cake build-up; automatic cake discharge by means of vibrator; no loss of product or filtrate; complete emptying of liquid facilitating quick drying of cakes; rapid and easy dismantling for ease of cleaning and inspertion; each filter leaf can be isolated/removed separately from the unit. The liquid is pumped into the filter and discharged into the manifold. Cake builds up on the faces of the leaves which further separates the solids. When filtration is complete, excess slurry is drained from the casing when filtration is complete and it is replaced with wash liquid which passes through the solids to the manifold. At the end of the cycle, the casing is drained once more at the end of the cycle, the bottom of shell is opened and the cake is shaken off the filter leaves or blown off with compressed air. The shell is then closed and cycle is repeated again. Users areas includes are: chemicals, pharmaceuticals, agro chemicals, adhesives, fertilizers and feeds, metallurgy, dairy, detergents, dyestuffs and pigments, textiles, oil industries, and petrochemicals.