Chemac equipments offers jet mills. The jet mill nozzles create the supersonic spiral and to transmit a deep acceleration, as well as kinetic energy, to the product particles to be micronised. The jet nozzles accelerate particles up to the speed of sound and consequently they collide with the other particles entering the milling chamber, resulting in cleavage of the particles. The smaller, lighter particles obtained leave the turbulent central part of the nozzles ring, whereas the larger heavier particles continue to be accelerated near the periphery until collisions reduce their size further.
Using these nozzles, the discharge velocity will be supersonic - greater than the critical or sonic velocity. To obtain the ultimate a diabetic expansion speed of gas and the highest discharge velocity, a convergent-divergent nozzle is used. The powder micronization with jet mill is well known in the pharmaceutical and chemical fields due to the continuous and specific requirement of ultra-fine product [1-15 microns]. If optimized, this technology is easily adaptable to this field.