Promas engineers offers colloid mills. The colloid mill can be used as in the unit [horizontal execution] for the continuous operation in a process line, or with a funnel and circulation line [vertical execution]. The colloid mill has a broad application range and is used in the food, pharmaceutical, chemical and cosmetic industries and even in water treatment plants. It operates successfully for products, which must be ground and well dispersed. It disintegrates particles faster and uniform swiveling without forming of agglomerates and for the homogenizing of products in one pass. The mill develops not only hydraulic high pressure in the grinding tool section, but turbulence and cavitations which then combined provide both a gentle grinding and the required impact, squeezing, cutting, etc. The centrifugal force of the rotor brings the material inside the mill. The rotor and stator combination with its exceptional large surface area provide both a gentle grinding and the required impact effect. A two way valve at the discharge connection of the colloid mill can be either the processed material to inlet opening for rework or discharge the processed material.