Duplex engineering works supplies electro hydraulic thrustor eldro. It has high reliability with self-distance on strokes from 40 to 200 mm, independently of external panels and/or controls. It conforms to din 15430 to attain several international demands. The company assures the supply of spare parts to the market. There is growing for higher drive performances combined with short response times and very long service life. It has several features to meet those demands. The standard features include fast response [shore regulating times]; high switching frequency - up to 2000 cycles per hour; reversing operation without restrictions; simple installation and dismantling; no reversing contactors required as the motor may rotate in either direction; overloading during operation not possible; suitable for adjusting length of stroke form outside as required; and universal applications also in hazardous areas in which there is danger of explosion. These are available in: short stroke units - dup ed 23/5, dup ed 30/5, dup ed 50/6, dup ed 80/6, dup ed 121/6, dup ed 201/6, dup ed 301/6; and long-stoke units - ed 50/12, ed 80/12, ed 121/12, ed 201/12, ed 301/12, ed 185/16, ed 301/15, ed 350/20.