Low Humidity Chambers are useful for storage of Vegetable seeds, Vegetables and Dry Fruits. Mech-air Industries is an ISO 9001-2000 company that manufactures Low Humidity Chambers. Mech-air Industries also offers a wide range of water coolers, air conditioners, Steel Furniture. Low Humidity Chambers are available with the room temperature ranges from +8deg;C to +20°C with a humidity from 30%-50% R.H. The fully automatic system carries out both cooling and dehumidification, giving high cooling with low power consumption. Axial Fans with streamers ensure more evenly distributed coverage over a larger area with uniform temperature and humidity. It comes with specially designed air-flow path for uniform cooling, energy efficient compressors and fan motor, controlled low relative humidity, powerful refrigeration units with 10°C and 30%RH which can work without the help of dehumidifier are all available.