The Pleated Sintered SS Mesh Process Filter find applications in chemicals, pharmaceuticals, breweries, beverages, paints and lacquers, steel plants and general engineers. Ultrafilter [India] Pvt. Ltd. Offers Pleated Sintered SS Mesh Process Filter. Ultrafilter [India] Pvt. Ltd. Is an ISO-9001 registered organization that manufactures Industrial Filters, Compressed Air Filters, Liquid Filtration, and Process Filters. In the Process Filter, the welded wire constructed of this element and the optimum number of pleats, offer high economy and reliability. The Pleated Sintered SS Mesh Process Filter can be used for gases and liquids and works Efficiently under low and high temperature ranges. This system offers long life between insertions and removed due to high filtration surface area. The Process Filter is available in 5, 25, 50 and 100 microns.