Microprocessor based load indicators are offered by analog & digital instrumentation. It has the following specifications: indication - 4 1/2 digit with auto polarity; red led character; input - load cell compatible, 4-wire systems; load cell excitation - 10 v dc; indicating accuracy - 0.05% of full scale; resolution - 10,000 counts max; zero and tarefull range push button zero and tare; gross/net load - indication selected by key switch; gross/net annunciation - by scrolling display; ambient - 10 to 50 c; power supply - 230 v ac, 50 hz; and power consumption - 10 v a. This is a panel mounted models of 186 [w] x 92 [h] panel cutout having 250 mm depth, table top model of 200 [w] x 125 [h] 120 mm [d]. Options: peak hold - peak value is displayed and can be cleared by reset switch; rs-232 c port-9 pin d connector for 3 wire serial transmission for hook up with computer; and rtc with printer port-25 pin d connector for centronix compatible parallel printer port with real time clock. Output - linear 0 to 10 v dc or 4-20 ma dc output corresponding to input by 12 bit d to a conversion.