B r kumar & sons offers gouging torches, which are used to gouge, chamfer, groove, cut, bevel, flush off all metals including aluminium, copper, brass, magnesium, alloys steel, stainless steel, cast iron. It is also used by major foundries, shipyard, all structural fabricators, penstock/pipe fabricators and chemical and petroleum complexes. Some of the special features of metal arctm gouging torches are: copper/copper alloy is used end to end for high conductivity of current. The handles and covers are made from heat resistant insulators for longer life of the torch. Triple swivel head air nozzles for better metal removal rate. High tension lever allowing firm grip of the electrode and also prevents arcing. The unique feature of metal arctm torch being 360° free revolving movement between torch and mono-cable, resulting in less wrist stress for welder and better, fatigue free working resulting in higher productivity and less down time.