Condot systems pvt. Ltd. Is the famous company in india founded in the year of 1994 by young technocrats for contact coding systems. The pse contact coder is a compact, electromechanical coding systems that is used to print variable information like batch no., mfg. Dt, exp. Dt. ,max . Retail price. This is useful for printing on flexible packages, rigid containers, tins, laminated and plain carton & all types of labels, etc. This is used in food & pharmaceuticals industries. Its simplicity and flexibility extends its usage in industries like cosmetics, automobiles, lubricants, pesticides, health care products, plastics industries, etc. Salient features includes:
Stainless steel construction for humid atmosphere.
Electromechanical coding systems.
Quick drying inks for all surfaces.
Rechargeable circular inking cartridge.
New designed dc motor, which minimizes power consumption.