Kores offers sticking solutions. Super tapes, which are self adhesive transparent tapes for effective & neat sticking. Invisible tapes, which sticks paper effectively with minimum visibility and comes with a handy dispenser for slitting the tape.
Glue sticks
Kores also offers glue sticks.It is the ideal & neat choice for sticking paper.Available in sizes from 5 gms to 25 gms. Kores smart glue stick:5 gms,8gms & 15 gms. Korostick glue stick: 8 gms & 15 gms kores glue stick:8 gms,15gms &25 gms. Office paste with good shelf life, which dries fast and is ideal for all office needs. It is available in packing of 60ml, 150ml, 300ml & 700ml.