Neelkanth Beltings manufactures Rubber Sheets for General/Industrial and Mining Applications. Neelkanth Beltings is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. The company manufactures Conveyor Belting. The Rubber Sheets for General, Industrial and Mining Applications includes only vulcanized black rubber sheets for technical uses and industrial application with or without textile insertion, with smooth surface or with a canvas-type print on one or both sides. The Rubber Sheets are available with various types, grades and profiles with and without fabric insertion. It is also available with cushion back in various thicknesses, Range from, width up to 1000 mm. With different patterns and also available in continues lengths of 200mtrs. The Rubber Sheets are available in various grades like Natural Rubber or SBR, Food Grade [White], EPDM, Nitrile or Neoprene, Silicon, Viton, NBR etc.