Neco Schubert and Salzer Limited offers Brass Non Ferrous Valves. Neco Schubert and Salzer Limited are ISO 9001:1994 and ISO/TS 16949:2002 registered organization. Neco Schubert and Salzer Limited manufactures Industrial Valves in Ferrous & Nonferrous materials, Automotive components & Castings, Nonferrous forgings duly machined & non ferrous components, etc. The Brass Non Ferrous Valves is equipped with imported forging presses and sophisticated machines such as Single Spindle and multi spindle automats where, machining within close tolerances could be achieved. The unit has capacity to produce 20 to 25 Tones of non ferrous forging per month duly machined. In addition, the Unit can machine 15 to 20 Tones of ferrous and non-ferrous components per month.