Pharma chem machineries provides colloid mill useful for homogenizing, dispersing, mixing of products. The company provides different types of machines such as lab equipments, machines for capsule section, machines for ointment section, machines for liquid section, and machines for tube filling. The colloid mills operates on the rotor - stator principal. The company supplies these colloid mills in plain and water-jacketed models suitable for heat sensitive products. The product is fed in the colloid mill by hopper to the operating area of the rotor with 3000-rpm speed. The product is then processed by high shear, pressure and friction between stator and rotor of this colloid mill. The tapering of the rotor and stator the angular gap becomes narrower towards the discharge section. The product continuously leaves the mill though drainpipe or it can be recirculated if required. The colloid mills are useful for applications in pharma, chemicals, food, and cosmetic industries.