Interface design associates offers plc compatible low-cost step motor drive module, int-02. It is an intelligent step motor drive module that combines a full-fledged controller with pwm chopper drive in a single module manufactured for control using plcs. The system enables plcs to become powerful position control stations. It is ideal for applications up to 3 axes, thereby system is usable to implement cut-to-length applications, motorisation of cmms, valve actuators, etc. It has the drive capacity of 3.6 amp/phase, which can drive 6 v motors with torque capacity 10 kg-cm and 20 kg-cm. The unit is compact in sizeand flexible to use. In-built power supply is provided. The system comprise 6 digital inputs and 1 clock output: clock output is connected to the clock input of plcs for position tracking; The plc can stop the step motor by changing status of the digital inputs, wherever required.