Techno industries provides tacklers goliath cranes. Both the single girder and double girder are available. These are manufactured by maintaining the is: 3938-1983 and is: 4137 standards. These cranes have the capability of up to 50 tonne capacity. These cranes meet the specific dimensional clearance and technical need of the customer. Additional rigidity and strength can be achieved with the box type girder construction. Grabbing cranes can be applied in indoor and outdoor location and provided with grab buckets, electro magnets, etc. The goliath cranes has forged steel wheels, l-type housing and anti-friction roller bearings. Squirrel cage/slipring motor, totally enclosed oil lubricated helical gearbox, thrustor brakes, geared coupling, rope drum, etc are the main parts of the hoisting machinery. With the help of pendant controller the goliath cranes can control from floor. The master controller or through radio remote control ensure the goliath cranes to control from driver`s cabin. Cantilever arms can also be provided with the cranes. The goliath cranes find wide application in various industries such as cement plants, thermal and hydel power stations, granite industries, general engineering industries, etc.