Orion electronics supplies dual technology ph meter, model iq 150 from select systems. This dual technology ph meter conforms to both stainless steel non-glass sensors as well as any traditional glass ph electrode. Because of its shock-resistant, rubber holster this ultra-rugged dual technology ph meter from select systems can endure a 2 meter drop onto concrete. Temperature compensation of the dual technology ph meter can be automatic or manual as per user requirements. Up to seven buffers are detected automatically by the dual technology ph meter from select system and the operator can choose between one or two point calibration. The stainless steel probe of the ph meter includes no glass, stores dry and requires zero maintenance. This dual technology ph meter from select system is suitable for liquids, viscous samples penetration of semi-solids and surface measurements. In this ph meter the display resolution can be adjusted from 0.01 to 0.1 ph. The flip up stand fitted into the holster, together with ac adapter accessory, enables the iq 150 dual technology ph meter to be used hands-free as a compact laboratory bench meter.