H b engineering manufactured stainless steel positive displacement rotary lobe pumps, an iso 9001 certified company. These pumps are used for a wide range of applications in various types of industries, like chemical, pharmaceutical, food processing, dairy, cosmetics, etc. They are suitable for pumping thin liquids/acids to highly viscous mediums like chemical solvents, tar, toothpaste, fruit pulp, cream paste, chocolate mass, etc. Its features are high mechanical efficiency, less energy consumption; smaller motors, lower drive costs; easy clean pump head which is ideal for in place cleaning without disconnecting the pipe work; positive uninterrupted displacement by specially designed rotors creates a steady, gentle pumping action which does not shear, agitate or aerate the product; and solid stainless steel, asi 316 quality pump head, rotors and shafts, and also manual control by pass and relief valve; and jacketed rotor case and electrical heating tapes.