Mass-Tech Controls Private Limited offers DC System Supervisory Unit. Mass-Tech Controls Private Limited is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. Mass-Tech in association with CONVERTRONIC, Germany introduces MU1000, a control & monitoring unit for DC systems. MU1000 offers complete monitoring of a DC system with unique features like battery management with automatic battery test, event history and remote transmission of system data via telephone/Ethernet. The MU1000C is specially designed for harsh industrial environment. This DC System Supervisory Unit is compact, user friendly and easy to operate from front panel keypads with LCD display 2x16 matrix clear text indication with illumination. The MU1000 can be used in the new DC systems & can also be retrofitted in the existing DC system of any make.
DC systems with MU1000 shall have following unique advantages:
All values of DC voltages, current, error states, event history etc. Can be monitored from remote through RS232 port using modem or over industrial Ethernet. Monitoring of earth leakage, Battery Symmetry, Control of Voltage dropping diodes can also be done.