Instrumentation & controls manufactures a range of hydraulic tools. All comes in a packed metal box. These comprise a set of compact 20 kg or 40 kg hydraulic small tools, pullers and jacks that have an unlimited usage and the ability to lift 5 tonne, 10 tonne or more, and to press or push with 5 or 10 tonne force. The whole set consists of a hand-operated pump, hydraulic ram of 5 or 10 tonne with 75 mm or 150 mm stroke, various mountings, accessories and tools, etc. Instructions for use and details of various applica- tions are shown in illustrations packed in the box. Operating principle:the cylinder gives required thrust by pressurized oil pumped manually from the hand pump. A built-in safety valve in the pump prevents over loading and an integral load release valve in the pump is used for smooth re- lease of pressure and load. Ranges in small tools are: capacity 5 tonne with 150 mm lift, and capacity 10 tonne with 250 mm lift. Pullers are available from 5 tonne to 50 tonne capacity and jacks up to 100 tonne. They are mainly used for lifting machines, body and fender work in automobiles, straightening or bumping out sheet metal products without damage to the finish by using special rubber heads, open culverts, pull gears, sprockets or wheels by using chain or puller attachment and a standard chain, etc.