Single Piece Quick Clamp Vibrator obtains variable vibration frequency and impact force through adjustment of air pressure from 20 to 70 psi. The Quick Clamp Vibrator is equipped with clamp and the quick clamp eliminates the need for mounting brackets and is used on cement forms, wooden forms, steel forms and core boxes. The FV forces out air pockets, improves surface finish and speeds up mold release when used on cement forms. The Quick Clamp Vibrator is available in a length of 8 - ½" and weight of 12 ½ lbs range. Single Piece Quick Clamp Vibrator allows jaw opening in a range of 2 to ⅜" and piston diameter range of 1¼ inch ranges.
KJN Enterprises manufactures Single Piece Quick Clamp Vibrator. KJN Enterprises is the supplier of pneumatic presses, Conventional, Toggle and Impact Presses that are used in all types of industrial setting.
Applications of Single Piece Quick Clamp Vibrator:
Key specifications of Single Piece Quick Clamp Vibrator: