Joyam engineers & consultants manufactures high vacuum oil-seal and rotary pumps from graded material. These high vacuum oil-seal rotary pumps are available with precisely machined, ground and assembled moving parts with close tolerances resulting in increased efficiency and trouble-free operating life. The high vacuum oil-seal rotary pumps can develop 0.05 mm of hg in single-stage and 0.005 mm of hg in double-stage. The pumps operate at 500 rpm with `v belt. The high vacuum oil-seal rotary pumps are useful for various applications like vacuum filtration, distillation, vacuum crystallisation, vacuum impregnation, vacuum metallurgy, thin film coating, vacuum drying, dehydration, evaporation, deodourisation, de-gassing, moisture extraction, vacuum condensation, conveying, venting, etc. The high vacuum oil-seal rotary pumps come in a simple and rugged construction with advantages like trouble-free operation and low maintenance. These pumps provide a high range of capacity such as 3 mvhr [50 itr/min] to 600 mvhr [10,000 itr/min].