Presented by goma engineering pvt ltd the high pressure hydroblasters, model tg-4000 are suitable for cleaning, testing, cutting, removing, de-scaling, spraying and other energy application for which water jetting is known to be the most effective energy efficient method in the world. These find application in many industries like beverages, cement, marine, fertiliser, paints, pulp and paper, etc. The unit has triplex pump, safety valve, electric motor and starter, pressure gauge and pressure regulating valve. The accessories include suction hose, delivery hose, foot valve/gun, nozzles, rigid lance and flexible lance. Advantages: reduction of plant downtime, labour saving, plant protection, water conservation, no need of chemicals and non-hazardous. Rotary kiln, riser ducts, cooling towers, filters and hoppers, ship hulls, agitators, turbines, pump impellers, mixers and conveyers are the areas of its application.