Semi-Solid Yellow Soft Paraffin-IP is available in light absorption capacity at 290 Mm is less than 0.75. The Yellow Soft Paraffin is a purified, semi-solid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from petroleum. The Yellow Soft Paraffin is used as pharmaceutical and ointment base and its consistency at 25degree c varies in between 100 to 300. Semi-Solid Yellow Soft Paraffin-IP is ideal for melting point of 38 to 56degree C.
Semi-Solid Yellow Soft Paraffin-IP is manufactured by Eastern Petroleum Private Limited. Eastern Petroleum Private Limited also supplies a wide range of automotive oil, industry oil, industry specialty oil, grease, metal working fluid, textile oil, marine oil, specialty oil and wax, sulphonate, solvents, base oil, emulsifiers, fuel additives, filter aid powder, oil etc.