Odourless White Soft Paraffin-IP is used for personal care and pharmaceutical formulations as a formulation base. The White Soft Paraffin-IP is a homogenous mixture of oily and waxy long chain, non-polar hydrocarbons and its light absorption capacity varies in between 100 to 300. The White Soft Paraffin-IP is odourless and tasteless and comes in white colour. Odourless White Soft Paraffin-IP is available in different consistencies and has shear strength.
Eastern Petroleum Private Limited manufactures Odourless White Soft Paraffin-IP. Eastern Petroleum Private Limited also supplies diverse types of automotive oil, industry oil, industry specialty oil, grease, metal working fluid, textile oil, marine oil, specialty oil and wax, sulphonate, solvents, base oil, emulsifiers, fuel additives, filter aid powder, oil etc.
Odourless White Soft Paraffin-IP has the following features: