Airstream systems presents airstream wet scrubber. Mainly designed for the precipitation of coarse, granular and relatively heavier dust particles, which are normally not soluble in water. This finds applications in foundries, fettling shops, crushing units, steel mills, and ceramic industries, etc. The scrubber is designed with no water circulation pumps. The dust-laden air gathering in the water is made to pass through a venturi throat. Due to negative pressure created by the exhaust fan, at the venturi, the agglomerated finer dust coagulates into large sediments, ensuring easier precipitation. The spent air leaving the venturi is made to pass through a series of battles, where the carry over water particles is entrained. This scrubber is characterized by, reliability, simplicity of operation, low resistance to airflow, high collecting efficiency vis-à-vis power consumption, and easy disposal of sludge. These scrubbers are offered in five different sizes, from capacities varying from 10,000 m3/hr to 60,000 m3/hr. Their leading dimensions can be furnished on request. These are incorporated in three optional discharge arrangements like: manually operated pipe discharge, bin collection type and mechanical discharge arrangement.