Abbhijat equipments offers seconed operation turret lathe. This machine is designed for economical production of precision turned parts. It caters to bar work up to 25 mm collet capacity and manual or pneumatic chuck work [110 mm size chuck]: preturned forged or cast blanks can be turned. Model stl-25/110 with a rigid fabricated base, properly stress relieved, has a six-position turret, rigid cross slide and vertical slide enable various operations to be easily performed. The precision bearings are placed directly in the head, stock for higher accuracy and rigidity. The spindle-pulley is placed outside the headstock for easy spindle belt changing. The company offers a direct drive version that is ideal for machining of non-ferrous threaded components. This drive gives only higher spindle speed range and much higher switching cycles are possible compared to the counter shaft drive. The specifications of this machine are as follows:
- spindle capacity: 2 round: 25 mm dia,
- hexagon: 22 mm a/f,
- square: 18 mm a/f;
- chuck size [manual/ pneumatic]: 110 mm;
- maximum swing: 140 mm; and
- main drive motor [reversible]: 0.37/1 kw, 700/ 3,000 rpm.
Models with dia 32 mm and 42 mm spindle capacities also come. The stl-25/110 has the following accessories: coolant equipment; all tool holders for cross slide, vertical slide and turret; hand operated chuck with back plate; pneumatic chucking arrangement; automatic threading attachment; long turning attachment, bar feed attachment; and counter shaft drive. Higher capacity models, stl-32/110 and stl-42/110, suitable for 32 and 42 mm dia collet capacity, are also available. The company can also supply special toolings and attachments according to customer`s requirements.