Thermocab instronics provides a complete range of temperature measuring probes, including a wide range of thermocouples [type k, j, t, r, s, n, etc], rtds [pt-100, pt-200, cu 53, etc], mi probes [type k, j, t, r, s, n, rtd, etc], temperature switches. Thermocouples are available for up to 1800ºc and in different shapes, such as leaf for surface temperature measurement, needle for immersion use, prick probe for high temperature measurement, roller type for moving surface, etc. Rtd probes are available for up to 600ºc and in different shapes, such as needle for immersion use, air probe for air temperature measurements, glass probe for analytical instruments, etc. Mineral insulated thermocouple probes are available for up to 1200ºc and with grounded junction and ungrounded juction. Other provided materials includes thermowells as per customer`s requirements. All these probes come with different connecting methods, such as flying leads, head, thermocouple connector, etc. Also offered are thermocouple cables and extension/compensating cables with teflon, fibreglass, etc, quoting on it suitable for connection with thermocouple/rtd probes. Digital battery-operated portable temperature indicators non-contact type infrared thermometers and mains operated digital temperature indicator-cum-controllers, data loggers, transmitters, thermowells, ceramic tubes, etc, are also available.