This temperature indicator is available with laser sensor and a distance to spot ratio of 1:8, which sines a very accurate and reliable choice. Thermocab instronics is dealing with a wide variety of non-contact type of digital infra red temperature indicators. Different models for different temperature ranges are available of bg 41 - 20 to +420 c; bg 31 - 20 to 220 c; bg 51 - up to 1000 c; bg 61 - up to 1800 c; bg 71 - up to 2000 c; and bg 81 - up to 3000 c. Also availability of different types of ir temperature sensors with mains operated display. These models have special features such as back lit display, reading c and f and spot laser display. These ir thermometers are suitable for surface temperature measurement and have passed successfully at many places including a wide verity of pharmaceutical industries, chemical plants, high voltage operating plants and an innumerable other applications. The company also provides standard digital battery operated portable temperature indicator cum timer and mains operated digital temperature indicator cum controllers.