Spm instrument india offers state-of-the-art bearing checkers manufactured by spm instrument ab, sweden for timely detection of bearing damage. These robust, pocket sized instruments make a predictive approach to machinery maintenance economically feasible for everyone. They are based on the advanced technology of shock pulse analysis, the most successful and widely used method worldwide for monitoring bearing condition. The common problem of machine breakdown due to bearing failure can now be avoided, thereby improving equipment availability and lowering maintenance costs. The instruments measure magnitude db of the shock pulse generated by bearings, compare that value with the standard, and provide a direct evaluation of bearing condition in green-yellow-red. They identify bearing abnormalities well before the damage is detectable by heat or vibration measurement. The bearing checkers pick up this train of transients, filters, and converts them into analogue electric pulses. Surface damage in a bearing causes a large increase in shock pulse strength, combined with a marked change in the characteristics between strong and weak pulses. The bearing checkers measure shock signals on a decibel scale at both levels, strong and weak. A microprocessor evaluates the signal and immediately translates it into a relative measurement of surface damage.