Procon microsystems manufactures auto tune pid controllers which are breakthrough technology and have salient features like fast, smart, tough and more versatile. These controllers are available with salient features such as re-designed from ground up and re-developed from inside out. These controllers are available with advantages of three or eight button operation, multiple input signal [tc/rtd/mv/ma], pv/sv independent or selective display, control outputs choice [relay/ssr/voltage/current], single or dual alarm outputs with 16 different alarm choice, advanced security options, versatile programming and fuzzy logic intelligence. The company provides these auto tune pid controllers with optional features like nema 4x faceplate, heater burnout alarm, eight segment ramp/soak programming, 24 v ac/dc power supply and serial communications. These z-series controllers apply fuji`s patented fuzzy logic algorithm with pid auto-tune. These controllers "learn" the process using pid parameters as starting point for all decisions made by the controller. This intelligence feature of these auto tune pid controller allow the process to reach set point in shortest time possible while eliminating overshoot. The company supplies these z-series controllers with 85 to 265 v ac operation in 48 x 24 mm, 48 mm square, 72 mm square, 48 x 96 mm, 96 mm square sizes.