Oriole electronics offers vehicle tracking system using gps and gsm/gprs to enable one to track the movement of vehicle or goods carrier on a minute- to- minute basis at any given time, at any place and under all weather conditions. One may access this data via the internet using a unique login and password or choose to get this information via sms. The latitude and longitude of the vehicle is plotted on detailed maps [including street names and landmarks] thanks to superior gis software. This solution is available off-the-shelf and is ideal for anybody who wants complete visibility and control over their mobile assets and work force. Some of the advantages of tracking the vehicle include optimization and streamlining of the fleet operation; better informed business decisions; superior security and protection; reduced costs [fuel, overtime, etc]; increased productivity; effective employee and asset management; enhanced customer service, etc. This unit can also get inputs from sensors so one may also track the quantity of fuel or other cargo at all times and prevent theft and misuse. The company offers free demo and a one-month money back guarantee for an initial period only.