Product Profile of Xp2004s Comparator
Mettler toledo is a renowned company for manufacturing various types of laboratory weighing machines. Xp2004s comparator is specially designed for optimal performance in iso/glp areas. It has a maximum capacity of 2300 gm and readability of 0.1mg. Following are the features of this apparatus:
- Modern technology-"touch screen" operation and color display
- Intelligent user guidance for mass determination process: the weighcom application,
- The self-centering device: levelmatic,
- The draft shield with patented sliding doors: pro draft shield and
- Download from the internet for future software releases.
Xp2004s comparator is mostly used for oiml mass standard laboratories.
Other models of comparators with same features are:
1.Xp2003s comparator with maximum capacity 2300gm and readability of 1 mg.
2.Xp5003s comparator with maximum capacity 5100.0 g
3.Xp10003s comparator with maximum capacity 10100.0 g