Product Profile of Weights
Mettler toledo`s weight portfolio is exclusively designed to support routine testing in accordance to manufacturer recommendation. Routine testing provides the following advantages:
- High process accuracy and limited out of process tolerance risk
- Sensitivity testing with two weights at upper and lower range of balance
- Manufacturer recommended weight and weight class
- Weights defined to test weighing characteristics of your balance model.
Following are the various types of weights with outstanding features:
1.F1 oiml class premium line- ideal weights for mass standards and adjustment of balances.
2.F1 oiml class basic line - ideal weights for routine testing of balances
3.E1 oiml class premium line- ideal weights for mass standards and adjustment of balances
4.E2 oiml class premium line- ideal weights for mass standards and adjustment of balances
5.F2 oiml class basic line -ideal weights for routine testing of balances
6.M1 oiml class basic line- ideal weights for routine testing of balances
7.M2 rectangular - single weights rectangular weight
8..M3 rectangular - single weights rectangular weight .