Product Profile of Optional Interfaces
Mettler toledo`s is renowned for manufacturing various types of accessories needed in a laboratory weighing equipment. Optional interfaces are one of the most important accessories and ethernet, bluetooth, local can interface options from mettler toledo.
List of optional interfaces are as follows:
- Ab/pb/sb local can universal interface
- Rs232 i/face for xp/xs analytical
- Localcan option: 2nd interface for connection of up to 5 lc [localcan] instruments
- Rs232c option: 2nd interface for connection of a printer [rs-p42], computer or titration
- Minimettler option: 2nd interface minimettler, for connection to older [legacy] systems
Minimettler i/face for ax
- Ethernet option: 2nd interface ethernet for connection to ethernet network
- Bts option: 2nd interface bluetooth, wireless point-to-point connection
- Bt option: 2nd interface bluetooth, wireless multipoint connection for up to 6 bluetooth devices
- E-link ip65 eb01: ethernet connection to the e-link network with ip65 protection
- Usb-232 converter cable [for connection to a pc]
- Ps/2 option: 2nd interface for connecting commercial keyboards and barcode readers.