Product Profile of Ax1005 Comparator
Mettler toledo is a popular company for manufacturing various types of laboratory weighing machines. The ax1005 is a comparator balance for manual mass comparison or comparison weighing of weight pieces and other objects up to 1109 g with 10 µg readability. Ax1005 comparator has many outstanding features:
- Suspended weighing pan to eliminate eccentric load errors virtually completely and to increase accuracy effectively.
- Graphic display with touch screen operation.
- Weighcom´ application for guided mass comparison.
- Download software from the internet
- Smartsens for hands-off operation.
- Below-the-balance weightings [e.G. Density determinations].
Ax1004 comparator is another balance for mass comparison or comparison weighing of weight pieces and other objects up to 1109 g with 0.1 mg readability.