Product Profile of Spartan-3 Based Pci Card
The Spartan-3 Based PCI Card find applications in Embedded Systems, High Speed Data acquisition, DSP Applications, Video Application and Prototyping. Mechatronics Test Equipments [I] Pvt. Ltd. Manufactures Spartan-3 Based PCI Card. Mechatronics Test Equipments [I] Pvt. Ltd. Is an ISO 9001-2000 certified company that supplies telephone testers, cable testers, IC testers, automobile sensors, VLSI design trainers,
CPLD trainers, etc.
Key Features of Spartan-3 Based Pci Card
- FPGA - Compatibility -
- Xilinx Spartan-3 Five Million gate device in FG900 pin package [XC3S5000-5FG900]
- Serial Interface -
- USB interface - USB interface using Cypress chip[CY7C68013]
- Video Input: - 3 channels, 10 bit, 30MSPS single Video Input channel is available using Video Decoder TVP5146.
- Video Output: -3 Video Output channels provide NTSC; PAL compliant component video signals using 10 bit Video Encoder ADV7194.
- Memory:
- PCI Interface: - 32 bit 33 MHz master interface, with facility for DMA transfers
- User interface - 16 User LEDs.
- Clocks - Two clock oscillators for FPGA.
- Configuration modes-
- Power Supplies- On board supply is generated from PC connector supply header.
- User Manual.
- Power Supply.
- Download Cable.
- Sample Design.