Faco automation manufactures centrifuge cum hot air oven. This equipment is a compact space saving productivity tool for mass volume processors in the surface coating industry. The component are processed by hanging it in jigs and fitted in a fixture inside the machine that rotates at predetermined speed and gradually drying the components through blow of hot air systematically. This equipment is to overcome defects in the manual methods in surface coating process. Defective surface coating and passivation is the result of the incomplete removal of water particles from the components. This equipment completely avoids this possibility. Other benefits include: reduces fatigue to the workmen; wastage of costlier passivation chemicals are avoided; more productivity; better quality in processing is assured; more care is taken in energy conservation in this method; better control over temperature through pid controllers; and systematic removal of water particles through centrifugal action gives good fixation and homogeneous colour of chemicals on the components. It is commercially viable project and various designs are available. Custom design is also possible on special request. Applications: automobile components, sheet metal products, fasteners, textile spares, industrial spares, electrical parts, decorative and automotive lamps and all industrial and domestic components and articles that needs surface coating.