British electricals offer thermocouple input 2-wire head-mounted transmitter tcr-2. The tcr-2 is a non-isolated two-wire transmitter which converts thermocouple voltage into a standardized load independent, 4-20 ma process current. The tcr-2 is housed in a metal enclosure, fitting into din 8 connection heads providing excellent rfi immunity. Calibration is performed by means of a dip switch array for the coarse range setting and two [zero and span] multi-turn potentiometers which are used for the final finetuning.Taking safety into consideration the potentiometers and the switch array are located behind the top cover. There are three basic models which cover the various thermocouple types. Tcr-2 is certified as intrinsically safe according to cenelec eex-ia-iic-t6 standard, allowing the transmitter to be used in zone 0 areas when connected via an approved barrier.