Rosalina Instruments supplies Solid Acrylic Plate Phantom. Rosalina Instruments offers diverse types of single - sample osmometer, milk cryoscopes, radiation detectors, block cutting devices, x-ray meter etc. Solid Acrylic Plate Phantom, available in two models, suitable for quality assurance dosimetry measurements in photon and electron beams, based on the relation between ionization chamber reading in plastic and water in the user beam with different types of ionization chambers. Solid Acrylic Plate Phantom consist of 1 plate of 1 mm thickness, 2 plates of 2 mm, 1 plate of 5 mm and 29 plates of 10 mm. Adapter plates for various detectors are available for both phantoms. Solid Acrylic Plate Phantom is available in two models - SP33 and SP34. The SP33 is made of PMMA. The SP34 is made of white polystyrene, type RW3.
Solid Acrylic Plate Phantom has the following technical specifications: