Water Demineralisation Plant purifies and removes varieties of impurities from water. The Plant comprises strong acid cation and strong base anion unit that purifies water passing through it. This process offers water with less than 15 microS/cm conduction and very less total dissolved solids [TDS] for the total ionic load was get immersed on resin. Water Treatment Enterprises supplies Water Demineralisation Plant.
Water Treatment Enterprises is an ISO 9001-2008 awarded company manufacturing a variety of water and waste water treatment plants like pressure filters, clarifiers, water treatment components, effluent treatment plant, sewage treatment plant, water softeners, chemical dosing system, demineralization plant and reverse osmosis plant. Equipped with advanced filters, the Demineralisation Plant helps in faster removal of pesticides, bad taste, odours, colours and related harmful chemical contaminants. Water treatment through demineralised water system makes water safe for drinking by using different types of ion exchanging resins.