Aireff de tox tox has developedoffers an incineratorincinerator as a solution to the problem of hospital/pathological waste. In the combustion chamber of the the incinerator, the wastes are distilled and combustedburnt bythrough a pyrolytic process with low oxygen support in the cormbustion chamber. Gases produced in this way are burnt and cleansed cleaned in a second chamber, then passed through an optional heat recovery plant, or passed across passed through a cleaning system of cyclone/scrubber, or compelledforced to draft through a stack. The incinerator system is designed engineered to international standards and renders provides dioxin- and furan-free end productsoutputs and flue gases. Heating can be performeddone through with the help of either auxiliary fuel or electricity. A choicethe user can choice among manual, semi-automatic and automatic feeding incineratorssystems is available. The ash ash removal process too can also be manual or mechanical. An automatic system included in the incinerator electronically controls the the pyrolytic process, gas-cleansing temperature and the entirecomplete combustion cycle. Are controlled electronically by an automatic system. Aireff de toxthe company also manufactures develops a small incineratorincinerator designed specially designated for polyclinics and blood banks to managehandle a lowerlesser quantityamount of waste. Besides these, incinerators suitable for nuclear establishments; tobacco processing, chemical and other industries; garbage/trash; aqueous waste; ship-mounted incinerators; and halogenated liquid, solid, sludge, waste incinerators are also offered. 12321