Product Profile of 1200 Series Standard Autosampler
Agilent technologies offers standard autosampler of 1200 series. This is ideally suited for pharmaceutical routine tasks and quality control. This is highly reliable and easy to use. There is provision to add agilent 1200 series thermostat in order to upgrade it from non-thermostatted to thermostatted version. It comes with following salient features:
- Reliable injections from 0.1 µl to 100 µl.
- Easy adaption for injection volumes up to 1500 µl
- Low internal volume of 300 µl for the minimum contribution to a system`s total internal volume can be even further reduced using "by-pass" mode.
- Overlapped injections for increased productivity.
- Peltier temperature control from 4 to 40 °c for up to 100 2-ml vials containing thermally-labile samples