Subtronics [india] has developed model dfmd 05 latest door flame metal detector. This door frame walk through metal detector is useful for applications where high security level is needed at the entry of premises like airports, banks, industrial establishments, hospitals and areas where there is a need to check people before they are allowed to enter a particular place. An audio-visual alarm in the doorframe metal detector is created in case if a person passing through is carrying any metallic [ferrous and non ferrous] object. The doorframe walk through metal detector is equipped with necessary accessories like bar graph display to judge the metal volume carried and even audio tone varies according to the mass of metal; user selectable sensitivity levels ranging from 0 to 9; additional leds help determine metal level carried in terms of low, medium and high; and walk and stop light indication for smooth, efficient traffic flow on entrance panel and user panel. The company also supplies add-ons like battery back-up system allowing the metal detector to operate for 5 hours even after mains failure with the dfmd 05 doorframe walk through metal detector. This feature enables the door to be used as a portable doorframe metal detector and whereas the modular design of the doorframe allow quick and simple assembly of 4 subassemblies using 4 screws and it weighs only 40 kg including the base.