Electronic descales [scaleblaster], presented by evergreen water technologies p ltd, work on sonic waves induced by square wave frequencies. These descalerd [manufactured by cleanwater envior tecchnologies, usa] , are eco-friendly fit-&-forget systems, that are easy to fix and can replace/augment/enhance existingwater softning systems. The scaleblaster is designed in such a way so as to target all possible calcium and magnesium salts in the pipelines. Once the scaleblaster is installed, scale prevention is instand anddescaling process starts. Thses units have got in-built frequency modulators and there is no settingor physical manipalation needed different for different pipe diameters and applications are offered. The scaleblaster is designed to take care of all types of calcium magnessium and iron salt scaling; no special treament is needed if the water is for process applications.